ZOOM Registration Open Now 90 Min Classes will be held Mon. - Thurs. Times TBA
We Will Pursue Excellence Until Excellence Is Achieved
Join the community of global learners.
ZOOM Registration Open Now 90 Min Classes will be held Mon. - Thurs. Times TBA
Join the community of global learners.
2025-2026 Courses Now has open registration
Platform is online, in person or via Zoom
Apostolic Leadership Doctorate Degree Program Coming Soon!
FREE!!!!!!!! Six Week Biblical Studies and Life Skill Certificate Course
Community Kingdom Support Service
These Courses are Offered Free to People who want Basic Biblical Studies and Life Skills , People who are Reentering Society and People that desire to have a better relationship with God , People that want to be dedicated and committed to God and the Kingdom of God and desire to Learn more to change their lifestyle , Spiritual Lifestyle and Spiritual Basic Life Skills .
Upon Completion of this Course you would have studied :
Biblical Studies :
How to have a relationship with God
Introduction to biblical studies
Introduction prayer
How to stay committed to the kingdom of God
Life Skills :
Communication Skills
Family and Marriage Skills
Skills in Honoring Authority
Skills in Entrepreneurship
Certificate and Ceremony after every six week of completing course !
(877) 547-4407
" Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
DEFINITION: Accreditation Defined (Source: Merriam Webster) To accredit is to give official authorization to or approval of; to provide with credentials; to recognize or vouch for as conforming with a standard; to recognize as maintaining standards that qualify the graduates for admission to higher or more specialized institutions or for professional practice; to consider or recognize as outstanding.
Southeastern Global Accrediting Commission (SGAC) exists to assure the quality and assist in the improvement of the institution or program we accredit, preschool through postsecondary–within our shared Biblical distinctives by establishing an organizational witness to their credibility of performance and integrity.
We are governed by a Board of Directors. They set accreditation standards, monitor compliance, and award accreditation certificates. Accreditation certificates are awarded only upon recommendation by the Board of Commissioners (SGAC).
On site visits to applicant institutions are completed by SGAC representatives to gather data for the Board of Commissioners. Recommendations are then made to the Executive Board of Directors for a final decision.
Southeastern Global Accrediting Commission (SGAC) is a professional, non-federally recognized, non-profit church educational organization whose philosophy is to demonstrate accountability to the consuming public for education obtained in non-traditional evangelical educational institutions. This accountability is demonstrated by institutions that are accredited by SGAC, having documented evidence of compliance with SGAC standards of structure and governance, material resources, policies, faculty and curriculum
STANDARD I: Structure & Governance
All Bible and theological courses must be based on evangelical doctrine.
The organization and operation of the educational facility is in accord with appropriate state statutes.
There is on file a copy of the legal instrument creating the educational organization.
The organizational structure and charter must reflect adequate personnel to accomplish the stated purpose and goals of the educational institution.
STANDARD II: Material Resources
The institution must have as a minimum an administrative office with sufficient space to accommodate staff; appropriate files, and records.
The institution must provide students with an annually updated list of library and media resources.
The institution must have adequate media equipment to evaluate student course requirements and projects.
Classroom facilities are adequate to accommodate student needs.
A current catalog is available to all students.
Student policies are stated in writing and available to all students.
Financial policies, including refund policies, are made available to all applicants prior to admission.
Faculty policies are stated in writing and distributed to each faculty member.
Administrative policies are in accordance with state laws.
Admission and personnel policies are in accordance with federal anti-discrimination statues.
The institution maintains written criteria for faculty appointment.
Faculty/Student ratio reflects realistic workload.
Written faculty contracts are maintained and annually updated.
Faculty payment policies are consistent and non-discriminatory.
A method exists for faculty input into administrative decisions.
STANDARD V: Curriculum
The institution must maintain an annually updated list of courses offered.
The institution has a curriculum committee that oversees academic offerings.
Degree requirements are in keeping with generally accepted standards.
Students must receive a copy of their degree plan.
Course requirements for students are consistent within departments or divisions.
STANDARD VI: Evaluation
The institution maintains an organized evaluation system for student performance, organizational effectiveness, and faculty performance.
Three Recognized Status Levels
Associate Status – An Associate institution is one that is in the process of developing their facility, curriculum, staff; policies, etc. Their institutional/educational program has been operating less than twelve months.
An annual report is required.
Candidate Status – An Candidate institution is one that has submitted an application for accreditation to the Board of Directors of Southeastern Global Accrediting Commission (SGAC) and is in the process of completing their self-study. They have been in existence at least twelve months. An annual report is required.
Accredited Member Status – An Accredited institution is one that has satisfactorily met all SGAC accreditation standards and has been awarded their accreditation certificate.
An annual report is required.
Contact our office today for our complete manual and application.
Southeastern Global Accrediting Commission (SGAC), and its officers, directors and Commissioners are not legally responsible for the degree programs, course work, or any other aspect of school/university function offered by its member or accredited member schools.
Southeastern Global Accrediting Commission (SGAC)and its officers and directors are further legally absolved of all responsibility for the success of students enrolled in its schools. Each SGAC school is a legal entity in its own right. All complaints or concerns relative to the individual schools must be directed to the schools themselves and we would appreciate being notified. It is the responsibility of the prospective student to carefully investigate any school before embarking upon a degree program or course work.
Contact Us : (877) 570-4407
Bible Institutes of America offers Degree Programs in the areas of Theology, Ministry, Divinity, & Apostolic Order. Certificate Programs are Ministerial 101, Public Speaking, Armor Bearer Training, Chaplain, Christian Counseling, & Church Administration. Online, Independent Study, & In-Class options are available
Bible Institutes of America is an International Accredited Theological Seminary by Southeastern Global Accreditation and Licensed by the State of North Carolina. BIOA's curriculum was established and created by the Board of Directors and approved by the State of North Carolina.
We offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities; ranging from music lessons, trainings, seminars, conferences, interfaith chaplaincy program, international missions, retreats, outreach ministries, homeless ministries, nursing home ministries.
Click on file to download. Submit all documents to bioahome@gmail.com
318 Harris Avenue, Raeford, North Carolina 28376, United States
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed