ZOOM Registration Open Now 90 Min Classes will be held Mon. - Thurs. Times TBA
ZOOM Registration Open Now 90 Min Classes will be held Mon. - Thurs. Times TBA
Bible Institutes of America is Internationally Accredited by Southeastern Global Accrediting Commission.
Bible Institutes of America is Licensed by the Sate of North Carolina to operate as an educational facility, under the guidelines and requirements set.
Degree program(s) of study offered by [Bible Institutes of America/Paulinian International Theological Seminary/Southeastern Global Assembly for Apostolic Order]have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon any assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.
To learn more about being Accredited by Southeastern Global Accrediting Commission, click below. If you have a school or a church that would like to become an Accredited Institution, click on the link to get more information.
Have a Theological Seminary, Need Accredtion, SEGAC is your first stop. Contact for Info.
Teaching of the Five-Fold Ministry and Apostolic Order. Affirmations,Consecrations, Ordinations, Licensure Board.
Join our Doctorate of Ministry Program. Prepare for Ministry, Evangelism, Discipleship.
Chief Apostle Dr. McPhaul is the Founder, President, PhD recipient and Chancellor of Bible Institutes of America and Southeastern Global Assembly for Apostolic Order. Dr. McPhaul serves as the founder, along with his wife, of Mighty Men of Valor Ministries. Dr. McPhaul is a native of Raeford, NC
Master Prophet Dr. Bascombe is the Dean of International Affairs and Dean of the School of Prophets. Dr. Bascombe serves on the Elevation Board of Southeastern Global Assembly for Apostolic Order. Dr. Bascombe walks in the calling and Office of Prophet. Dr. Bascombe is a Native of Trinidad and has an active Ministry in Cape Coast, Africa.
Dr. Ferguson serves as the Dean of Educational Leadership and is currently the Principal at Fairmont Middle School in Fairmont, NC. She specializes in teaching methods, classroom management, and educational leadership.. In addition, she is a faithful member of New Beginningz Praise and Worship Ministries. Dr. Ferguson is a native of Raeford, NC